Dear Reader,
The tulip was in fact originally a wild flower growing in Central Asia. It was first cultivated by the Turks as in 10000AD. Mania in Turkey struck in the 16th century at the time of the Ottoman Empire, when the Sultan demanded cultivation of particular blooms for his pleasure.
The Dutch were not the first to go crazy over the tulip. The bulb enchanted the Persians in the 10th century and was the symbol of abundance and indulgence. But tulips found their most fertile ground in Holland, first blooming there in the late 1500s when they were imported from Turkey.
Tulips have held profound symbolic meaning for centuries in cultures across the globe, embodying themes of love, rebirth, and prosperity. Their vibrant colours and delicate form have made them a powerful emblem in art, literature and traditions, conveying messages that resonate beyond their physical beauty.
In the language of flowers, every flower has a meaning. Red tulips symbolize perfect love, yellow tulips symbolize cheerful thoughts. White tulips represent forgiveness, while purple tulips symbolize royalty.
From Richard Hayes March 9th 1766 in Kent
'Very pleasant sunny warm day. My rooks for the week past have been very busy a building. And the butterflies have turned out. Crocuses and spring flowers appear. I now look upon this to be the pleasantest time of the year.'
From D.H. Lawrence March 9th 1916 in Cornwall
This morning, the world was white with snow. This evening the sunset is yellow, the birds are whistling, the gorse bushes are bristling with little winged suns....The new incoming days seems most wonderful, uncreated. '
Cold Christ Child
Why did Murillo, Fra Filippo Lippi,
Leonardo da Vinci paint
the Christ Child nude?
Did they not know of night-time cold?
Was the hot Levantine wind
blowing in the midday sun,
enough to stay the chill of evening
and warm this precious child?
They painted the Madonna in a dress,
the soldiers fully clad
in jerkins, armour, helmets,
the angels in sumptuous robes,
but the Christ Child is left on marble floors,
or dandled in laps,
with nothing to swaddle and secure him.
Could it be that this cold start
was not enough
to set alight the love
needed to save us all?
With very best wishes, Patricia