Easter is the most important date in the Christian calender, and we have just gone through Holy Week. I have various emotions, but mostly sadness, during Good Friday when Christ was crucified, and Easter Sunday when He rose again. I always find the Saturday when he was buried in a cave, the most difficult to get through. Where was He then, and who moved the stone so He could walk out the next morning? I have an explanation from my daughter Tiffany who helped me yesterday with Bible references, showing that He was just asleep. Well whatever the explanation I am always very glad when Easter Sunday dawns and He is resurrected. Alleluia.
This is a piece from Gilbert White's journal (1771) in Hampshire.
"The face of the earth naked to a surprising degree. Wheat hardly to be seen, and no signs of any grass: turnips all gone, and sheep in a starving way. All provisions rising in price. Farmers cannot sow for want of rain'.
Not quite like here then, when it seems to me that it has rained for about a month without stopping.
I am
part of the whole.
I am
in the first light,
the bird's first song,
the sun's first dart
through the curtain crack,
in the music of the trees.
I am
part of the alpha,
the birth,
the awakening,
the growing and spreading,
the throbbing of life.
I am part of all suffering
hands blood-stained.
Part of love
humanity shares and
of all good things.
I am
part of the omega,
the closing, the last light,
the call back from the dark
to the bright, eternal night.
Happy Easter and Very best wishes, Patricia