Dear Reader,
A friend of mine has asked me to cast an eye on badgers. So this is what I have found, a quick look.
The earliest traces of badgers in Britain have been dated back to three quarters to half a million years ago. which means badgers once existed with wolves, brown bears, arctic foxes and wolverines, all of which once roamed in Britain.
Badgers are a wood's ruling clan, often occupying the same set for generations and laying a network of well-trodden paths through the undergrowth. They are playful, houseproud and expert foragers.
Male and female cubs become sexually mature at around 11/15 months of age and may mate before the end of the first year in areas where food supplies are plentiful. Badgers can live in the wild for as long as15 years. However most badgers die young and the average life span is just three years.
Badgers carry an illness Bovine TB which can infect and cause illness in cattle, badgers, deer, pigs, goats and other animals. Although most cattle are infected with Bovine TB by other cattle, badgers are also known to transmit the disease to cattle.
A British badger may consume over 200 worms during a night when feeding conditions are good.
From Jane Austen January 25th 1801 in Hampshire
'How do you like this cold weather? I hope you have all been earnestly praying for it as a salutary relief from the dreadfully mild and unhealthy season preceding it, fancying yourself half putrefied from the want of it, and that you now all draw into the fire, complain that you never felt such bitterness of cold before, that you are half starved, quite frozen, and wish the mild weather back again with all your hearts.'
From John Clare January 25th 1825 in Northants
' A fine day. The bees were busily flying as if seeking flowers, the sky was hung with light flying clouds and the season appeared as if the beginning of April.'
I am putting on "Goodbye my love" again to day since some of you will not have seen it in the week.
Goodbye my love
They walked along the beach
holding hands,
talking of their tomorrows,
pictured children, picnics, sandcastles,
love was in the air
in their hearts.
She started in the hospital,
he went to war in France,
they wrote whenever they could
how they missed each other,
how they were counting days
until their leave came up.
Then the telegram came,
the soldier had been killed
in battle,
but a brave death,
or so they said.
Goodbye my love
goodbye, my love
my everything,
the woman wept,
of mankind's stupidity.
With very best wishes, Patricia