Sunday, 18 December 2016


Dear Reader,

                                                                                            Celtic Crosses

As this is our Christian season I thought a word or two about the Celtic Cross would be in order.  The Celtic Cross is a symbol used today in many contexts, both religious and secular.  The cross itself is just like a traditional cross but with a ring around the intersection of the stem and arms, and the whole cross is often decorated with ornate Gaelic patterns.  The Celtic Cross is also called the "Sun Cross"
by some people who interpret the ring to represent the sun.  Irish legend says that the Celtic Cross was first introduced by Saint Patrick, who was attempting to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity.  Some of the pagans worshipped the sun, so it is said that Saint Patrick combined the Christian Cross with the circular pattern of the sun as a way of associating light and life with the Christian Cross in the minds of his converts.  Once when I was walking on Dartmoor I saw a cross very similar to those  in the photographs, and thought how lovely and inspiring it was.

This is my favourite Celtic prayer to share with you:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and thank you very much for your support during 2016.  I won't be writing my blog on Christmas Day, but will start again on Sunday January 1st, and hope you will join me then.



I am
part of the whole.

I am
in the first light,
the bird's first song,
the sun's first dart
through the curtain crack
in the music of summer trees.

I am
part of the alpha,
the birth,
the awakening,
the growing and spreading,
the throbbing of life.

I am
part of all suffering
hands blood-stained.
Part of the love
humanity shares and
of all good things.

I am
part of the omega,
the closing, the last light,
the call back from the dark
to the bright, eternal night.


 Very best wishes, Patricia

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Patricia for the information on Celtic crosses and the lovely prayer. And for all your wonderful blogs and poems throughout the year.
    'Realization' is one of my most favourite of your poems.
    Wishing you a very happy and fruitful New Year. With love. XXX
