Dear Reader,
I am writing my blog this week not on Sunday, 14th, but on Friday, 12th. This is because Francis and I are going to look after my sister, who has dementia, and won't be anywhere near a computer until the 25th of April.
Do you remember in March this year I wrote about Tesco putting up netting to stop birds nesting in their buildings, and I said I hoped no one else would think of doing this. Well this week I see that the North Norfolk District Council has put up netting on the Bacton cliff, stopping the sand martins from returning to their nests after their perilous journey from Africa. Apparently many of these sand martins die of thirst and exhaustion on their way across the seas and arrive in Britain very weary. A Prof. Ben Garrod, of the University of East Anglia, said the sand martins discovered in Europe in the 16th century had been in the area "longer than the people have". He also said that they had been nesting in the cliff for hundreds of years, and likely more.
I expect you all read the reports in the newspaper this week so I won't say anything further but I am appalled and sad about our England. Richard II's "blessed plot, sceptered isle" more
England Dear to Me
It is the robins, blackbirds, blue tits,
hopping and grubbing in the garden
that lurch my heart
make England dear to me.
It is the velvet of green moss,
oak trees, old with history,
the first cowslips,
hedgerows filled with dog rose, foxgloves,
and shy sweetpeas in China bowls.
It is finding tea rooms in small market towns,
enticing with homemade scones and strawberry jam,
or suddenly glimpsing church spires
inching their way to heaven.
It is finding a Norman church,
full with a thousand years of prayers,
and a quiet churchyard mothering its dead.
It is small country lanes, high hedged,
views of mauve hills, stretching skywards,
sheep and lambs dotting the green,
and bleached Norfolk beaches,
silence only broken with a seagull's cry.
It is the people,
their sense of humour,
their way of saying sorry when you bump into them,
their fairness, and once or twice a year
their "letting go",
singing "Jerusalem" with tears and passion.
It is these things
that lurch my heart
make England dear to me.
With very best wishes, and Happy Easter
Your beautiful poem makes my heart sing - we have so much beauty and wonder to celebrate on this extraordinary island. But a lot of things make me sad too - like the netting you mention, which I also wrote about in my blog this week! Much love, Mxx