Sunday, 6 November 2022

Quick, quick, slow

Dear Reader, 

Most old people when asked how it is to feel old say: I don't feel old at all, I still feel 18 inside.  I now absolutely understand this sentiment.  Francis and I have a small routine acting role every evening, he sings something from yester-year's musicals with an assortment of props, hats, berets, and belts and I do the same when it is my turn.  I love trying to sing Shirley Bassey's hit : Big Spender, with all the actions needed.  We both laugh and laugh and truly feel young again.  It is a marvelous way to go up to bed, and assure us of a good night's sleep.  Surely it is only our bodies that get old and a bit worn not our souls or our spirits.

So the winter is nearly upon us.  We have bought a small stove with gas canisters and it seems to work very well.  Should we find ourselves without heat or electricity in those cold months coming we should be alright. And I have lots of jerseys and thick tights so, I hope, I will not be too cold.  I do recommend these small stoves you can buy them on Amazon.


I have put this piece on before but it is worth, I think, of repeating again.


From Jane Austen, 1798, November 17th, in Hampshire

'What fine weather this is!  Not very becoming perhaps early in the morning, but very pleasant out of doors at noon, and very wholesome - at least everybody fancies so, and imagination is everything



Quick, quick, slow

Up at 6.30, no time to lose
quick cup of tea, muesli and toast.
Rush to the station, hurry up
the steps, run to the place of work.
It is 8 am exactly

telephone contacts
lunch a snatched sandwich at the desk
people to see
reports to write
papers to assemble
home by 7 pm
dinner to cook
wash up, watch the news
bed by 10.30 pm


The dance of life
quick, quick, slow


At 8 am she made a cup of tea,
pulled on her old pink cardigan,
went downstairs, made porridge.
Perhaps someone might telephone today
of even come to see me
she thought as she fed the cat
and put the washing in the machine.

She turned on the radio
listened to the news
went upstairs and made the bed.
Later she shopped at the Co-op
and tried talking to the busy
lady at the till.  Her first spoken
words and only ones that day.
Slowly, the only way she could walk,
she went back to her house
heated baked beans for lunch.

The afternoon crept by.
She knitted another blue scarf,
tears spilling into the wool,
her heart full of sadness.
At 7 pm she made a cup of soup
and later wearily climbed the stairs to bed.

The dance of life,
quick, quick, slow.


My memoir : 'Half a Pair of People'.   is published on Amazon, you may enjoy it.  Read the reviews which say it is funny and insightful.


With very best wishes, Patricia


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