Sunday, 8 January 2023

The Mind cupboard

 Dear Reader,

My daughter Jessica thought I might like to have a Poetry Page on Facebook in order to meet other poets.  This I made last week and then joined a poetry group.  I have already been in touch with one or two poets and found this to be an enjoyable situation.  Years ago in Oxford I went to a Creative Writing Course for Poets and met lots of like minded people which was lovely, and stayed friends with many of then after the course ended.  Sadly the the meetings had to stop for various reasons and since then I have only one poet friend, in fact my tutor, Sue Johnson.  She is very busy and also lives a long way away from me so I am poet friend bereft. 

I have been writing this blog for seven years now and wonder if any of you readers do in fact read my poem of the week.  Or do you enjoy the blog for other reasons?  I do want to know so please take the time to write to me.        and say whether you want me to continue or not. If I get five people wanting me to continue, I will.  If not, I won't.  It is up to you.  Over 71,000 people have kindly looked at the blog over these years and I will be sad not to write it anymore. I look forward to Sundays when, after breakfast, I retire into my study and write.  It has been a rewarding journey so far, and long may it continue if you wish it to be so.


                                                         If man does not keep pace
                                                                with his companions,
                                                        perhaps it is because he hears
                                                                   a different drummer.
                                                          Let him step to the music
                                                                          he hears
                                                          however measured or far away.



The Mind Cupboard

My mind cupboard overflows
with unwanted debris.
It needs a spring clean.

I will brush away the cobwebs
of cheerless thoughts.
Scrub out the stains of childhood.

I will replace the brass hooks
corroded with salt tears,
empty all the screams
hoarded through the years.

I will replace the accumulated ashes
from the worn shelf-paper,
with virgin tissue.

I will chase and catch the wasps,
relieve them of their stings.
I will refill this cupboard
with love, and learnt, brighter things.


With very best wishes, and don't forget to let me know,


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