Sunday, 25 June 2023

Universal Truth

 Dear Reader

                                                             Our first two sweet peas out today


Absolutely my favourite flowers are sweet peas.  They smell so completely delicious and are so beautiful. Francis planted them as seedlings and I run to look at them before breakfast every morning, watch how they grow.  And today these two flowers were out enjoying the sunshine and I was thrilled. I thought you might like to see them.


The Green Man, as in the picture, is believed to symbolize the cycle of life, death and re-birth.  The symbol of Godhood within the male and its relationship with the transcendent life force our Goddess, the female expression of divinity.  He is a Pagan symbol who heralds Spring after a long winter and the renewal of lush vegetation.

As a religion it is Christian/Judaic, a derived motif relating to the legends and medieval hagiographies of the Quest of Seth, the three twigs/seeds/kernels planted below the tongue of post-fall Adam by his son Seth (provided by the angel of mercy responsible for guarding Eden) shoot forth, bringing new life to human kind.

 The Green Man is a feature of much pastoral lore in the Celtic countries, including Great Britain and Ireland where he has been a constant for thousands of years.


From William Cowper, 1785, June 25th in Buckinghamshire

'I write in a nook that I call my Boudoir. It is a summer-house not much bigger than a sedan chair, the door of which opens into the garden, that is now crowded with pinks, roses, and honeysuckles, and the window into my neighbour's orchard......Having lined it with garden mats, and furnished it with a table and two chairs, here I write all that I write in summer-time, whether to my friends, or to the public.'


Universal Truth

Everyone knows
that Philip Larkin wrote:

"They fuck you up,
your mum and dad,
they may not mean to,
but they do".

And what Philip Larkin knew,
I know to be true.



With very best wishes, Patricia                                                                              



My novel : Victoria Scott's Dilemma is available here. It is rather a charming romantic tale with lots of laughter.  Look on Amazon under books - Patricia Huth Victoria and it will come up.



                                                            VICTORIA  SCOTT'S  DILEMMA





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