Sunday, 22 October 2023

Small Pleasures in Old Age


Dear Reader,

Of the wild UK deer species only the red deer and roe deer are truly indigenous.   Fallow deer were almost certainly introduced by the Normans while three Asiatic specious Reeves muntjac, chinese water deer and Sika arrived in the last 19th and early 20th centuries.

Within properly functioning ecosystems deer play an important role by maintaining open arrears which can enhance biodiversity and habitat quality of a woodland.  However without any predators large deer populations can have a devastating effect on their environment.


One of the pleasures I mention in today's poem is having time with the grandchildren.  This week I was lucky and Mary, and her boyfriend Jamie, came to afternoon tea.  And we had a great time.  They told told of their aspirations for future life and how they were starting new jobs in November.  And as, I think, a wise old woman, I propounded the theory that living in a frugal way was good for the soul.  We only have one go in life and it is short and precious.  Live together, with rules, I said, and happiness will surely ensue.




From John Clare, October 31st, 1824 in Northants

'Took a walk, got some branches of the spindle tree with its pink-color'd berries that shine beautifully in the pale sun.'

From Dorothy Wordsworth, October 31st, 1800 in Grasmere, Westmorland

'A very fine moonlight night - The moon shone like herrings in the water.'

From S.T. Coleridge, October 31st, 1803 in Cumberland

'The full moon glided on behind a black cloud.  And what then?  And who cared?.'


Small Pleasures in Old Age



Listening to Mozart’s Andante

in front of a log fire


hearing the robin’s call

in early spring

spotting the first violets, first primroses,


walking in the woods

sitting under the trees

whilst the bagpipes utter


their unique spiritual sounds

watching the deer hurrying

through the undergrowth


following the antics

of the Archer family

eating peanut butter sandwiches


watching the goldfinch spitting

out seeds, and laughing

at the absurdity of life itself


exchanging family news

proudly loving the grandchildren

and their stories


small away holidays

with Francis, by the sea

in Dorset


And, perhaps,  best of all, having the courage

to not say yes to things

when I mean no


With best wishes, Patricia


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