Views of flowers in Crete
Dear Reader,
The weather has been most disappointing this week, hasn't it? I often imagine the summer months as wonderful warm sunny days inviting us to be outside as much as we can, picnics, and eating in the garden if that is possible. But no the cold dry air was with us all week, well not Friday, and I stayed indoors most of the time. Mind you the sweet peas are beginning to flourish heedless of the weather so in the morning I rush out to check on them and see if they have grown.
On Monday I went to Radio Oxford to talk about my book. I met a lovely woman, Kat Orman, who does the interviews and the whole performance was great fun. Its funny sometimes, isn't it, how you meet someone and they are on the same journey in life as you, and you know it straight away. She is now my friend and I am going to meet her in Oxford in June.
From Gilbert White, 1792, May 31st, Dorset
'Grass grows very fast. Honey-suckles very fragrant, and most beautiful objects! Columbines make a figure. My white thorn, which hangs over the earth-house, is now one sheet of bloom, and has pendulous boughs down to the ground.'
From Dorothy Wordsworth, 1802, May 31st, Westmorland
'We sat out all day.'
Knossos, Crete
It was hot,
a brilliant sun shone,
sky a bright blue.
We wandered
across ancient pathways
wild flowers abundant,
climbed over pink stone walls
marking Minoan burial sites
from a thousand years ago.
We separated and I found
tucked away,
a stark white room.
It was deathly cold and
I shivered violently.
A spirit seemed to envelop me,
strangle me, clasp me round my neck.
Fearful I ran away screaming,
my heart pounding.
This was the room
I later learnt,
used for a human sacrifice,
a young man's bones lying there
bearing witness.
Half a Pair of People here
As you see, my book 'Half a Pair of People' is now out on Amazon. Look for it in books: Patricia Huth and click here and they will send you a copy if you would like one. Sorry to boast here but I do have nine 5 star reviews and most people seem to find it amusing. Hilarious in fact. As I told you last week I have to do this publicity against my will because I have no publicity agent.
With very best wishes, Patricia
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