The Wind in the Willows
Dear Reader,
I watched with interest and emotion all the celebrations for our Queen's Jubilee this week. I saw so many ordinary English people interviewed in the Mall, and elsewhere, all so articulate about their feelings for Her Majesty. So enthusiastic were they to express their thanks and love. And I felt proud to be British. We all spend so much time complaining about everything we perhaps forget what a truly marvelous country we live in. If this were not the case whey would so many people from all over the world want to come and live here? And I don't think it is entirely because we have a policy of benefits to all, it is because we are still civilized. In many parts of the world barbarism seems to have taken over and appalling atrocities, man on man, take place.
The Queen has been a rock to us all over the last seventy years and it will be a sad and very distressing day when we lose her.
Quotes from: The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
'Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half as much worth doing as simply messsing about in boats'.
'All this he saw, for one moment breathless and intense, vivid on the morning sky; and still, as he looked, he lived, and still, as he lived, he wondered'.
see these books
draw in a breath,
as cherished memories
race in my head.
These are:
Portrait of an English Village
Swallows and Amazons
The Speckledy Hen
The Little Flowers of St. Francis
My Friend Flicka
The Wind in the Willows
Tales of Old Inns
The owner of this house
is unknown to me,
but her collection
of treasured books
tells me a little of her,
what makes her who she is,
makes me who I am.
see, my book 'Half a Pair of People' is now out on Amazon. Look for it in books: Patricia Huth and click here and
they will send you a copy if you would like one. Sorry to boast here
but I do have nine 5 star reviews and most people seem to find it
amusing. Hilarious in fact. As I told you last week I have to do this
publicity against my will because I have no publicity agent.
With very best wishes, Patricia
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