Sunday, 24 July 2022


                                                                     White washed chapel


Dear Reader,


It was watching 'Civilization' narrated by Alan Clarke when I first realized that I hate ornate churches, statues with flying angels and gold displayed everywhere possible.  Those kind of places seemed to be in Europe, especially Italy, and so they are, in the main,  Roman Catholic.  I can't imagine that God or Jesus Christ wanted all that lavish display, surely his message was of simplicity, humbleness, and quiet peacefulness.  One we could all do with I think. Small chapels, often buried on a hillside, with plain interiors and a jug of wild flowers or daisies on the altar, I find are full of the Holy Spirit I am looking for when I enter to contemplate and to pray.  


From John Ruskin, July 26th, 1872, on the English Channel

'Breakfast in Paris - so to train.  Across in intensely calm water and sky.  The smoke of steamers on clear cliffs of England in a streak all round horizon.....I never saw the cliffs themselves so clearly from France.'


From Gilbert White, July 27th, 1780, in Hampshire

'Tortoise eats gooseberries.'



Away with the cherubs
the angels, the painted ceilings
the high arches
the high ceilings
nudes male and female
the artifacts
the gold crosses
the ornate statures of the
Virgin Mary.

Give me a chapel with
whitewashed bricks
wooden pews
oak door with studs
daisies on the altar
in a china jug
a bust of St. Columba
and quiet peace
in God's house.


I hope you all managed to keep cool on those very hot days.  I stayed indoors with closed curtains and fans on - all day. 

Very best wishes, Patricia

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