Dear Reader,
My poem today is about love. I don't think any of us really know what it is exactly. Falling in love is, I would say, different from loving in general. Prince Charles is said to have muttered when asked whether he was in love before marrying Princess Diana, said: "well, whatever love is". Quite. Whatever it is, it is difficult to define. For me a feeling of love sweeps over me, looking and being with my family. I also get this feeling when I am with Francis, sometimes when he has been particularly touching, and mended the bathroom tap for instance or made a delicious lunch. And my friends? Well Fiona Montagu has been exceptionally kind, loyal and generous to me over fifty odd years and whatever it is, that sweeping feeling comes over me when I think of her. And my grandchildren? Gosh I love them. When I first saw them as tiny babies that sweeping feeling rushed into my heart and has stayed there ever since. So is that love? A sweeping feeling? I am still wondering.....and conclude it must be different for everyone. Each of us has our own definition, know what love is for ourselves.
From S.T. Coleridge, July 19th, 1803, in Cumberland
'Intensely hot day - left off a waistcoat, and for yarn wore silk stockings'.
From Gilbert White, July 20th, 1778, in Hampshire
'Much thunder. Some people in the village were struck down by the storm, but not hurt. The stroke seemed to them like a violent push or shove. The ground is well soaked. Wheat much lodged (laid flat).'
Love unlocked
What can I say about love
that has not been said?
I have little to add except
my sweetheart proffered
a unique key
to the door of possibilities
through loving me.
With very best wishes, on this very hot day,
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