Sunday, 23 June 2024


 Dear reader,

The poem I am putting on this week is a true story about a scam I fell for and feel so stupid as a result. A man, giving his name as a Hollywood film star, fed up with dealing with actresses and wanting a friendship with an "ordinary" person wrote to me having seen my photograph  on the Instagram page. 

Vanity kicked in and I was flattered that a famous person thought I was beautiful and charming.  He was, he said, not only a film star but a film producer and I thought he might be interested in making a film of my book:  Half a Pair of People.  

But quickly I realized that this man was a fantasist.  He was probably working from a bedsit in Morpeth or Woking, or somewhere equivalent. However I was taken in by his lies and when I did realize the truth I felt such an idiot.  

Years ago a good clever friend of mine was completely taken in by a 'so-called bank' asking her to get cash out and give it to a policeman who would come for it.  And she did what they asked.  I can't remember how much she gave them but quite a sum I think.  

We believe these scammers because we have been brought up to tell the truth.  We don't imagine people are going to con us, make fools of us, take our money and our dignity and lie with every word they write.

But they do.  So if somebody writes on your Facebook page and says they want to be your friend think very hard about answering.  Facebook does look after us and will block an unwanted person and you can report anything you think is not genuine.  Just be wary.




From Dorothy Wordsworth  June 20th  1802 in Westmorland

'We lay upon the sloping turf.  Earth and sky were so lovely that they melted our very hearts.   the sky to the north was of a chastened yet rich yellow, fading into pale blue, and streaked and scattered over with steady islands of purple, melting away into shades of pink.  It made my heart almost feel like a vision to me.'

From William Cowper   June 21st  1784 in Buckinghamshire

'We now have frosty mornings, and so cold a wind, that even at hight noon we have been obliged to break off our walk in the southern side of the garden and seek shelter, I in the greenhouse, and Mrs Unwin by the fireside.  Haymaking begins here tomorrow.'


From Katherine Mansfield  June 21st  1918 in Cornwall

'What is the matter with to-day?   It is thin, white, as lace curtains are white, full of ugly noises....Went for a walk and was caught in the wind and rain.  Terribly cold and wretched...'




Hello gorgeous

you look pretty

so charming


how are you feeling

are you happy

let me into your life

I will support you

even love you........


could I ask a favour

now we are such good friends


could you lend me

a small sum of money

I need it for my dying mother,

my train fare, to mend my car

for my rent.......


And I am such a fool

I really believed him

so gullible was I

so stupid

such an out of pocket idiot



With very best wishes, Patricia

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