Dear Reader, remember the poem by Jenny Joseph about growing old and wearing purple. The poem is called 'Warning' and is well worth looking up as it is both funny and thoughtful. She lists in this poem the many things she is going to do when she grows old, one or two of them is learning to spit and another is to spend her pension on brandy and white gloves. She is going to sit on the pavement when she is tired and run her stick along the railings.
So far, now I am old, I haven't been very adventurous but I have started to wear purple. Purple is the most beautiful colour and suits everyone I should think. But it is difficult to come by so buy it if you feel tempted buy it when you see it. I am also letting the blonde grow out of my hair so that I will have a white thatch which I think is more suitable to my age. I see white hair everywhere today and both my daughters have let their hair go white and it looks stunning and so today.
The poem today is about one of Francis's fairly mad ideas. He thought I should have boiled eggs whilst I was seriously ill in hospital but obviously this was not possible.
Do read the poem and see what you think.
From John Everett Millais, October 16th, 1851, in Surrey
'Worked on my picture; pained nasturtiums; saw a stoat run into a hole in the garden wall; went up to it and endeavoured to lure the little beast out by mimicking a rat's or mouse squeak....Succeeded, to my astonishment. He came half out of the hole and looked in my face, within easy reach'.
From Francis Kilvert, October 25th, 1874, in Wiltshire
A damp warm morning steaming with heat, the outer air like a hothouse, the inner air colder, and in consequence the old thick panelled walls of the front room streaming with the warm air condensed on the cold walls...The afternoon was so gloomy that I was obliged for the first time to have lights in the pulpit'.
She was ill, in hospital
seriously ill and
the hospital food was not good.
A boiled egg is what she needs,
he thought.
Clanking down the passage
he came, with saucepans,
and a small gas fire to light
in the bathroom, he said.
Thank you but no she said
you could set the hospital on fire.
Sadly he agreed it wasn't possible
and stepping into the passage
he left, forlorn,
clanking, clanking.
If you enjoy my blog why not try my memoir: Half a Pair of People. Reviewers have said it is hilarious and insightful. The book can be bought on Amazon with the name: Patricia Huth, click that and you will get me.
With very best wishes, Patricia
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