Dear Reader,
Me dressed in violet for the first time
Originally the flowers of violet were known ever since the ancient Greek time or around 500BC. Greeks and Romans believed that this flower was useful as a herbal remedy for different illnesses and sicknesses. The flowers were also used to create wine and to sweeten their dishes for festivals. Violets are mostly found in shaded grounds and hedgerows specifically in areas where deciduous trees provide shades and protect the plants.
In 1814, Napoleon Bonaparte covered the grave of his wife, Josephine, with the flowers of Violet. He also declared violets as his signature flower. Because of this he was called Corporal Violet. Blue violet is meant for faithfulness and love, and white violets represent chastity and purity. Violets are also know to have some nutritional value. Since ancient times people use this flower in different recipes and savory dishes.
From Francis Kilvert, October 9th, 1874, in Radnorshire
'For some time I have been trying to find the right word for the shimmering glancing twinkling movement of the poplar leaves in the sun and wind. This afternoon I saw the word written on the poplar leaves. It was 'dazzle'. The dazzle of the poplars.'
From Dorothy Wordsworth, 1800, October 8th, in Westmorland
'A very mild moonlight night. Glow-worms everywhere.'
From S.T. Coleridge, 1800, October 10th, in Cumberland
'The first snow fell on Skiddaw.'
My Husband and Other Men
My husband is from heaven,
well, he is close to God;
but goodness me, even so,
I do find men are odd.
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With very best wishes, Patricia