An autumn road to where?
Dear reader,
I often think of autumn trees making an avenue on a long and lonely road to where? These two pictures are telling us, perhaps, our own story. Are they asking the question: Where we are going? Have we arrived or are there still exciting things in store for us? Now that I am 82 I haven't got miles to go on life's journey but fortunately my love of reading and writing poetry is still very strong and, of course, I have you my friends reading my blog each week. And, as people do, I fell in love with the small garden we have. I emulate the King and talk to my plants as I watch them grow, and I am sure plants like to have a word or two with them as you pass. I think these beautiful rows of autumn trees are telling us to be brave, go forward with our lives, enjoy the wonders of nature and be happy and keep on keeping on.
From John Constable, October 24th, 1821
'Does not the cathedral (Salisbury) look beautiful among the golden foliage? Its solitary grey must sparkle in it.'
From Gilbert White, October 25th, 1784, in Hampshire
Hard frost, thick ice. In my way to Newton I was covered with snow! Snow covers the ground and the trees!!.'
Not one of us
A small figure at school in
a hot, strange land. The
children left her alone,
she didn't speak their language
or know their games or rules.
She was not one of them.
Winter now and an English
boarding school, where the rules
were known, but not to her.
She was clumsy, wore spectacles,
couldn't tie her tie, dropped the netball,
couldn't master dance steps gracefully
to the music of :"Greensleeves",
was not an asset, wouldn't do.
She was not one of them.
She simply asked,
why do the safely-grounded
hear the beat of a terrified heart
and seek to silence it? Is the beat
too loud, something not understood,
something to frighten?
Are things better when the group
destroys the alien in its midst?
She never knew,
she was not one of them.
If you enjoy my blog why not try my memoir: "Half a Pair of People", now out on Amazon. Critics have said it is hilarious, touching and well written.
With very best wishes, Patricia
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