Dear Reader,
I saw a beautiful robin yesterday in the garden and I felt overjoyed as I haven't seen one since Christmas. He was so sweet, looking around in such a cheerful manner, his bright little eyes sparkling. I have looked up about a robin's story and this is what I have found.
The tale goes that the robin felt Christ's agony during the Crucifixion and went to pull out a thorn from His brow. One version says that some of Christ's blood fell upon the birds breast, while another version says that the bird was wounded, both versions agree that the robin was blessed for the act of heroism.
Male and female robins look identical, young birds have no red breasts and are spotted with golden brown.They sing nearly all the year round and despite their pretty appearance, they are aggressively territorial and are quick to drive away intruders. They will sing at night next to street lights.
A robin sighting may let you know that is time to let go of things that are holding you back, find inspiration in your life, find your creative side, and show it to the world.
For centuries this tiny bird has been the symbol of good luck, happiness, rebirth and sometimes even as a messenger for lost love ones. Robins defend their territory all the year round for breeding and feeding, they will fight to the death to protect their territory from other robins.
From Richard Hayes March 9th 1766 in Kent
'Very pleasant sunny warm day. My rooks for the week past have been very busy a building. And the butterflies have turned out. Crocuses and spring flowers appear. I now look upon this to be the pleasantest time of the year.'
From Francis Kilvert March 19th in Radnorshire
'The sun was almost overpowering. Heavy black clouds drove up and rolled round the sky without veiling the hot sunshine, black clouds with white edges they were, looking suspiciously like thunder clouds. Against these black clouds the sunshine showed the faint delicate green and pink of the trees thickening with bursting buds.'
The Mind Cupboard
My mind cupboard overflows with unwanted debris. It needs a spring clean. I will brush away the cobwebs of cheerless thoughts. Scrub out the stains of childhood. I will replace the brass hooks corroded with salt tears, empty all the screams hoarded through the years. I will replace the accumulated ashes from the worn shelf-paper, with virgin tissue. I will chase and catch the wasps, relieve them of their stings. I will refill this cupboard with love, and learnt, brighter things. *With very best wishes, Patricia
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